A simple Stata program to wrap strings for use in titles and labels.
Wrap text for titles and labels.
To install, user can use the net install command to download from the project’s Github page:
net install wrap, from("https://aarondwolf.github.io/wrap")
wrap {varname | anything} [if] , [ local(name, local_options) at(integer)]
wrap takes a single string argument (anything) or a variable name (varname) as and outputs the full text (if anything), or variable label and value labels (if varname) wrapped into multiple lines of text using compound double quotes.
If local(name) is specified, the command will store the string in local name.
When if is specified (only valid when using wrap varname), wrap will only wrap value labels for levels of varname where if holds.
Load NLSW data:
. sysuse nlsw88, clear
We have a title that is too long, and want to wrap it after 40 characters (the default):
. wrap "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
We can now use this in a graph:
. twoway scatter wage grade, title(`r(name)')
We can store the string in local title, and specify when it will wrap:
. wrap "The quick brown fox jumps over the laxy dog.", local(title) at(20)
. twoway scatter wage grade, title(`title')
Suppose we want the same graph using the variable label of the y-variable as the title. We could use the wrap varname command:
. wrap wage, at(10)
. twoway scatter wage grade, title(`r(varlabel)')
We may wish to wrap the text of all value labels attached to a variable. To do this, we could use the wrap varname command on a variable with attached value labels:
. wrap collgrad, at(15)
. return list
This is particularly useful when using the graph bar command with the relabel() option.
. wrap collgrad, at(15)
. graph bar wage, over(collgrad, relabel(`r(relabel)'))
We can omit subgroups in wrap to mirror what we specify in graph bar:
. wrap industry if industry != 4, at(15)
. graph hbar wage if industry != 4, over(industry, relabel(`r(relabel)'))
In all cases, we can optionally store the results in a local macro using the local() option:
. wrap "The quick brown fox jumps over the laxy dog.", local(title) at(20)
. wrap collgrad, local(title) at(10)
By default, wrap will store the variable label for varname in local(). If you wish to store the results in r(labels) (the value-label pairs), specify local(name, labels):
. wrap industry, local(ind_labs, labels) at(10)
If you wish to use the results in in r(relabel) (the value-label pairs re-numbered, starting at 1), specify local(name, relabel):
. wrap industry, local(ind_labs, relabel) at(10)
You can use this to create wrapped labels for use with graph bar:
. wrap industry if industry != 4, local(ind_labs, relabel) at(15)
. graph hbar wage if industry != 4, over(industry, relabel(`ind_labs'))
wrap stores the following in r():
Aaron Wolf, Northwestern University aaron.wolf@u.northwestern.edu
wrap was inspired by an answer on Statlist by Scott Merryman to a similar question: https://www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2007-03/msg00778.html