Generate new variables from categorical variable, with appropriate suffixes and labels.
Generate indicator variables for each value of a categorical variable.
The current version is still a work in progress. To install, user can use the net install command to download from the project’s Github page:
net install tabgen, from("")
tabgen varname [if] [, generate(stubname)]
tabgen creates a new indicator for each unique value/label pair for a labelled categorical variable.
tabgen is very similar to tabulate varname, gen(stubname). The main difference is that tabgen ensures that the value at the end of stubname represents the numerical value for that label, rather than assigning the subnames the values 1, 2, 3, etc.
tabgen will replace all negative (‘-‘) signs with an underscore (‘_’) for variable names when generating new variables. For example, if your variable has a label for a values of -99 (for example, “Don’t Know”), the indicator for that values would be stubname_99, which is 1 everywhere varname == -99.
tabgen requires Daniel Klein’s labellist in order to run (ssc install labellist). If labellist is not installed, tabgen will install it first before proceeding.
Load auto data:
. sysuse auto, clear
Generate indicator variables for the foreign variable:
. tabgen foreign
You can optionally specify a different stub:
. tabgen foreign, generate(new_)
tabgen stores the following in r():
Aaron Wolf, Northwestern University