PIH-branded Stata scheme for graphs.
The PIH Stata scheme provides a quick set of options for modern-looking graphs from Stata using Partners in Health (PIH) colors. The scheme is intended for use by the PIH data analysis teams across their sites when designing visualization for presentations and social media.
The current version is still a work in progress. To install, user can use the net install command to download from the project’s Github page:
net install pihscheme, from("https://aarondwolf.github.io/pihscheme")
To use, simply specify the scheme at the start of a .do file:
set scheme pih
Or in the process of making a graph:
sysuse auto
twoway (scatter price mpg if foreign == 0) ///
(scatter price mpg if foreign == 1), scheme(pih)
The PIH scheme was written by Aaron Wolf. Bugs can be reported via the repository at Github (https://github.com/aarondwolf/pihscheme). Questions can be directed to aaron [dot] wolf [at] u [dot] northwestern [dot] edu.
This scheme used the user-written scheme cleanplots as a base, with alterations made to reflect PIH’scolors and stylistic preferences. cleanplots was created by Trenton Mize, and documentation can be found at https://www.trentonmize.com/software/cleanplots. cleanplots was itself influenced by Daniel Bischof’s very excellent plotplain scheme, documentation for which can be found at https://www.stata-journal.com/article.html?article=gr0070.