I am an Economics PhD student at Northwestern University conducting research in environmental and development economics.
I write Stata packages for use in common data cleaning workflows for field projects in development economics. These include integrations for SurveyCTO as well as general purpose algorithms.
I have also written multiple Stata schemes to provide a conhesive design set for Stata-generated visualizations for organizations I have/am worked/working for.
If you have any questions about package functionality, feel free to email me at aaron [dot] wolf [at] u [dot] northwestern [dot] edu.
ctometa A Stata command to pull apply metadata from a SurveyCTO XLSForm file to a Stata dataset.
catcibar A Stata program to create bar charts with confidence intervals for multiple variables.
tabgen Generate new variables from categorical variable, with appropriate suffixes and labels.
wrap A simple Stata program to wrap text for titles and labels.
difftab Create triple difference tables with estout
yalescheme A modern Stata scheme for Yale University-branded data visualizations.
pihschemeA Partners in Health-branded Stata scheme for graphs.
compile Quickly compile a minimal Tex document from Stata.
EGC High Performance Computing Manual A guide to using the HPC cluster at Yale for EGC affiliates.